Return services
With our system and services, the returns process is simple and convenient for customers.
The vast majority of buyers (90%) say that when faced with poor quality returns, they lose trust in the seller and tend to look for other alternatives.
LOGISMART will help you maintain a perfect image even when a customer refuses to accept your product. We’ll take care of the smooth return process and take the goods into our warehouse, charging only for the services provided.

Select LOGISMART for managing returns

- Your local return address will reflect your reliability. Return addresses in Lithuania, England and Germany.
- Faster return times and lower costs
- Shipping back to your country
- Faster refunds for a better customer experience
- Local processing, storage, testing, updating and more!
Additional services
We can prepare the returned damaged product for re-use by cleaning, relabelling, repackaging, washing and many other services. Once the product is ready to all your standards, we will add it to your inventory.

- up to 1 m3 of specialised space
- up to 50 refunds
- Packing materials
- Administration for returned orders
- Consultations
170,00 € / month

- up to 3 m3 of dedicated space
- up to 150 rebates
- Packing materials
- Returned order administration
- Consultations
429,00 € / month
- up to 5m³ specialized space
- up to 300 rebates
- Packing materials
- Returned order administration
- Consultations
680,00 € / month